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Serving the University of Texas Longhorn Band since 1957
Thank you for taking the time to explore our chapter. My name is Quinn and I have the immense honor to serve as Beta Gamma's 2024-2025 president.
Tau Beta Sigma is a unique sorority as it only functions within the realm of university bands. Here at the University of Texas, that means we specifically serve the Longhorn Band. There are many components to school spirit. The sports teams, the cheerleaders, dancers, etc. However, the band stands out from all these teams as exceptionally large in comparison. When you are managing a group of 500 people, there are struggles that arise with making sure every individual has their needs met and is functioning at their best. That is where Tau Beta Sigma steps in to provide service to promote a healthier, happier band!

Our service is widespread, whether it is carrying medical kits at all band events, providing water at football games, or making sure our practice spaces are optimally set up before each rehearsal, we strive to take care of the Longhorn Band. However, we realized the power we yielded as a chapter and wanted to expand our reach. Therefore, we implemented external service as well that primarily benefits the greater Austin area music scene. As diverse members of a chapter, we understand that band and music expression is not accessible to all and want to change that. Therefore, we donate to programs promoting minorities within music and use our resources to play with youth in our area to get them excited about music! Our service doesn't stop there, though, as we also enjoy extending our hand to traditional service projects such as helping with local animal shelters, building with Habitats for Humanity, weaving sleeping mats for unhoused civilians, and so much more. We pride ourselves on being a service oriented sisterhood that wants to improve and leave a lasting effect on our community.
Which brings me to the heart of this organization, the sisterhood. We welcome members from all walks of life and connect through the bond of loving music. Or at least, that's the best way I can put it into words. It's hard to explain the invisible string that runs through an organization like TBS, that ties us all together. How our shared love for playing an instrument brought us to add more to our busy lives so that we can make a difference during our time in the Longhorn Band. While most would expect me to say that we do this for no reward, there definitely is a reward, and it's getting to be surrounded by the amazing sisters in our chapter. We support each other through everything and will always make time to embrace and celebrate each other. Many of us, me included, can say that our involvement in TBS gave us friendships we couldn't even imagine and immensely improved our collegiate experiences for the better. While we dedicate ourselves to service, we don't ignore the fact that we also dedicate ourselves to each other.
I hope this small letter was able to provide you more insight into the Beta Gamma chapter of Tau Beta Sigma and encourage you to get involved with us! Thank you so much for taking the time to read it!
Hook 'em!
Quinn Paladino
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